Miami Beach, a Reel Miami short film

Miami Beach, an original Reel Miami short film, follows Mason (Eric Aragon) and Kassandra (Elisabetta Fantone) as they visit Miami Beach for the weekend. Their adventure begins the moment they realize they've picked up the wrong suitcase at the airport. Their leisurely vacation soon turns into a dangerous thrill ride across Miami Beach as their curiosity digs them deeper and deeper into trouble in the magic city.

Starring Eric Aragon, Elisabetta Fantone, Carlos Mena, Christian Ochoa, David Porras, Brigitte Kali and Stephanie Hernandez

Written & Directed by Carlos Gutierrez
Executive Produced by Frank Kelly
Director of Photography Sherman Johnson
Edited by Jeff Sternberger
Original Music by David Miranda
Produced by Eddie del Carmen and Danny Mendoza
Colored and composited by Leo Lovera & Oscar Martinez
Sound Design by Daniel Leprevanche
Published on Jan 26, 2014, Reel Miami Project - Discover Miami through short films

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